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Flammable cabinets – What happens if there is a spillage.

Flammable cabinets – What happens if there is a spillage.

Flammable cabinets are vital when storing hazardous substances. If you do not store them in a particular manner, then this can cause a lot of harm to the people using them and around them. Having a flammable cabinet can prevent this and make the storing of any hazardous substances safe. Many employers over look this and don’t think that this would ever be an issue. This is where they are wrong, and this can often mean or result in accidents.

If you have a health and safety officer visit, then they will always tell you that you need to store them correctly and in the best possible way. We specialise in flammable cabinets so that you don’t have to.

If you have any questions about this issue or are unsure what is the best solution please get in contact with our sales department. We will be happy to help.

Flammable cabinet

Flammable cabinet

So, to get into this blog we are going to talk about the protocols and what every flammable cabinet should have in order to prevent any potential harm being caused. All our cabinets have integral sumps. This is the most vital part when thinking about purchasing a flammable cabinet. Well it isn’t if it doesn’t have this feature. The integral sump means that any liquid spilt can be gathered in this sump. The reason that it is integral is so that if there is a spillage and the liquid is captured, this cannot be access or taken out by a product that is not suitable. You are able to get the liquid out using spill kits but not by pouring the liquid out. This can actually cause more harm if you attempt this.

Not having this sump means that the liquid will be left on the bottom of the cabinet and may go unnoticed until it is far to late. Having the integral sump keeps employees safe and sound when dealing with these products. After all no boss wants to cause any harm to the people that work for them.

This is the same for our full range. We have seen it all too many times where flammable cabinets are an afterthought and they really are not. It is vitally important that the substances are treated with respect and with the appropriate preclusion.

You can shop the full range here.

Thank you for reading and have a great day.

You can shop the full range here.

Thank you for reading and have a great day.

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